Mercado Sistema automatizado de recogida de residuos: mapeo competitivo y perspectivas estratégicas para 2028

  • Report Code : TIPRE00010591
  • Category : Manufacturing and Construction
  • Status : Published
  • No. of Pages : 150
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Automated Waste Collection System Market to Grow at a CAGR of 5.9% to reach US$ 365.37 million from 2020 to 2028

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El mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos se valoró en 234,88 millones de dólares en 2020 y se prevé que alcance los 365,37 millones de dólares en 2028; Se espera que crezca a una tasa compuesta anual del 5,9% durante 2021-2028.


El factor clave que impulsa el mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos son las iniciativas gubernamentales para la eliminación adecuada de los residuos. Los organismos gubernamentales de todo el mundo han impuesto reglas y regulaciones para la recolección y segregación de residuos. Por ejemplo, el Gobierno de la India ha especificado nuevas normas de gestión de residuos sólidos que hacen hincapié en la segregación de los residuos en origen. Las nuevas regulaciones exigen que los residuos se separen en origen para canalizarlos hacia el capital mediante la recuperación, la reutilización y el reciclaje. Por lo tanto, antes de entregar los residuos a los recolectores, los generadores de residuos deben clasificarlos en tres grupos: biodegradables, secos (plástico, papel, metal, madera, etc.) y residuos domésticos peligrosos (pañales, servilletas, repelentes de mosquitos, agentes de limpieza, etc.). Sin embargo, la segregación de residuos a gran escala es un proceso tedioso, lo que obliga a las autoridades gubernamentales a centrarse en soluciones automáticas de segregación de residuos. Estos factores están influyendo en la adopción de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos en muchos países del mundo.


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Mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos: ideas estratégicas

Mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos

  • CAGR (2020 - 2028)
  • Tamaño del mercado 2020
    US$ 234,88 millones
  • Tamaño del mercado 2028
    US$ 365,37 millones

Dinámica del mercado


Jugadores claves . Jugadores principales

  • Aerbin APS
  • Grupo AMCS
  • Corporación Caverión
  • Envac AB
  • Logiwaste AB
  • Marimatic OY
  • EVAC GmbH
  • MBAT

Panorama regional

  • América del norte
  • Europa
  • Asia-Pacífico
  • América del Sur y Central
  • Medio Oriente y África

Segmentación de mercado

tipo de producto
  • Estacionario y Móvil
Usuario final
  • Aeropuertos
  • Instituciones educacionales
  • hospitales
  • Oficinas corporativas
  • Hoteles/Restaurantes
  • Otros
  • América del norte
  • Europa
  • Asia Pacífico
  • Medio Oriente y África
  • América del Sur y Central
  • El PDF de muestra muestra la estructura del contenido y la naturaleza de la información con análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo.



Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en el mercado del sistema automatizado de recogida de residuos


Sin embargo, los fabricantes de sistemas automatizados de recolección de residuos en todo el mundo experimentaron temblores limitados cuando los gobiernos regionales y locales alentaron a los municipios y organizaciones privadas a invertir en soluciones inteligentes de recolección y clasificación de residuos o basura. A medida que los volúmenes de residuos residenciales aumentaron sustancialmente, se disparó la demanda de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos entre el sector residencial. Sin embargo, debido a la interrupción en la cadena de suministro causada por la limitación de los movimientos humanos, el despliegue y la instalación del AWCS fueron más lentos tanto en países desarrollados como en desarrollo, como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Italia y China. Esto siguió a una tendencia de crecimiento de ingresos más lenta de lo habitual en el mercado global de sistemas automatizados de recolección de residuos.


Perspectivas del mercado: mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos



Inversiones crecientes en la integración de sistemas automáticos de recogida de residuos


Los sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos son los preferidos en las instituciones sanitarias. Los sistemas de recolección y manejo de desechos transfieren materiales a 60 millas por hora a través de una red de tuberías dedicada y sellada desde las estaciones de carga en los pisos de los pacientes hasta una operación de recolección central. Se utilizan caminos separados para trasladar los residuos, el abono y la ropa sucia a los contenedores de recogida adecuados. Esto está provocando un aumento de las inversiones en tecnologías de recogida automática en sectores como la hostelería, la atención sanitaria y el comercio minorista. Por ejemplo, Logiwaste AB ha suministrado tres sistemas automáticos de recogida de residuos diferentes al hospital Karolinska de Estocolmo. Se prevé que estos sistemas gestionen cuatro tipos diferentes de residuos: residuos residuales, papel, plástico y envases de papel. Logiwaste AB también ha conseguido contratos de Tiller Öst, Trondheim; Hospital Central de Karlstad; Puerto deportivo de Grilstad, Trondheim; y China Life, Beijing, para suministrar AWCS. Asimismo, Atreo ha recibido proyectos para suministrar AWCS a Parkland Hospital, Humber River Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital y University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, entre otros. Por lo tanto, se espera que las crecientes inversiones por parte de organizaciones de diferentes industrias, especialmente la atención médica, para implementar sistemas automáticos de recolección y gestión de residuos impulsen el crecimiento del mercado en los próximos años.


Información basada en el tipo de producto


Según el tipo de producto, el mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos se segmenta en estacionarios y móviles. El segmento estacionario tuvo una mayor participación de mercado en 2020.


Información basada en la calidad del contenido


Según el usuario final, el mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos se segmenta en aeropuertos, instituciones educativas, hospitales, oficinas corporativas, hoteles/restaurantes y otros. Se proyecta que el segmento de aeropuertos registre la CAGR más alta durante el período de pronóstico.

Los actores que operan en el mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos se centran principalmente en el desarrollo de productos avanzados y eficientes.

  • En 2021, Caverion implementó un proyecto llave en mano para un nuevo edificio de la empresa de biotecnología Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics. El proyecto tuvo lugar en Vilnius, Lituania.
  • En 2021, el Hospital Universitario de Stavanger eligió la recogida automática de residuos y ropa de Logiwaste AB. El sistema ofrece una forma fácil de usar, eficiente e higiénica de manipular residuos y ropa, desde la puerta de entrada hasta la terminal.


Alcance del informe de mercado del sistema automatizado de recogida de residuos

Atributo del informeDetalles
Tamaño del mercado en 2020US$ 234,88 millones
Tamaño del mercado para 2028US$ 365,37 millones
CAGR global (2020 - 2028)5,9%
Información histórica2018-2019
Período de pronóstico2021-2028
Segmentos cubiertosPor tipo de producto
  • Estacionario y Móvil
Por usuario final
  • Aeropuertos
  • Instituciones educacionales
  • hospitales
  • Oficinas corporativas
  • Hoteles/Restaurantes
  • Otros
Regiones y países cubiertosAmérica del norte
  • Canadá
  • México
  • Reino Unido
  • Alemania
  • Francia
  • Rusia
  • Italia
  • El resto de Europa
  • Porcelana
  • India
  • Japón
  • Australia
  • Resto de Asia-Pacífico
América del Sur y Central
  • Brasil
  • Argentina
  • Resto de América del Sur y Central
Medio Oriente y África
  • Sudáfrica
  • Arabia Saudita
  • Emiratos Árabes Unidos
  • Resto de Medio Oriente y África
Líderes del mercado y perfiles clave de empresas
  • Aerbin APS
  • Grupo AMCS
  • Corporación Caverión
  • Envac AB
  • Logiwaste AB
  • Marimatic OY
  • EVAC GmbH
  • MBAT
  • El PDF de muestra muestra la estructura del contenido y la naturaleza de la información con análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo.



El mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos se ha segmentado de la siguiente manera:



Mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos: por tipo de producto


  • Estacionario
  • Móvil


Mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos – por usuario final


  • Aeropuertos
  • Instituciones educacionales
  • hospitales
  • Oficinas corporativas
  • Hoteles / Restaurantes
  • Otros


Mercado de sistemas automatizados de recogida de residuos – por geografía


  • América del norte

    • Canadá
    • México
  • Europa

    • Alemania
    • Francia
    • Italia
    • Reino Unido
    • Rusia
    • El resto de Europa
  • Asia Pacífico (APAC)

    • Australia
    • Porcelana
    • India
    • Japón
    • Corea del Sur
    • Resto de Asia Pacífico
  • Medio Oriente y África (MEA)

    • Arabia Saudita
    • Emiratos Árabes Unidos
    • Resto de MEA
  • América del Sur (SAM)

    • Brasil
    • Resto de SAM



Perfiles de empresa


  • Aerbin ApS
  • Grupo AMCS
  • Corporación Caverión
  • Envac AB
  • Logiwaste AB
  • Marimatic Oy
  • Grupo de evacuación
  • Entorno de corriente

Automated Waste Collection System Market Report Scope

Report Attribute Details
Market size in US$ 234.88 Million
Market Size by US$ 365.37 Million
Global CAGR 5.9%
Historical Data 2018-2019
Forecast period 2021-2028
Segments Covered By Tipo de producto
  • fijo y móvil
By Usuario final
  • Aeropuertos
  • Instituciones Educativas
  • Hospitales
  • Oficinas Corporativas
  • Hoteles/Restaurantes y Otros
By Geografía
  • América del Norte
  • Europa
  • Asia Pacífico
  • Medio Oriente y África
  • América del Sur y Central
Regions and Countries Covered América del Norte
  • EE. UU.
  • Canadá
  • México
  • Reino Unido
  • Alemania
  • Francia
  • Rusia
  • Italia
  • resto de Europa
  • China
  • India
  • Japón
  • Australia
  • resto de Asia-Pacífico
América del Sur y Central
  • Brasil
  • Argentina
  • Resto de América del Sur y Central
Medio Oriente y África
  • Sudáfrica
  • Arabia Saudita
  • Emiratos Árabes Unidos
  • Resto de Medio Oriente y África
Market leaders and key company profiles
  • Aerbin APS
  • AMCS Group
  • Caverion Corporation
  • Envac AB
  • Logiwaste AB
  • Marimatic OY
  • EVAC GmbH
  • MBAT
  • Report Coverage
    Report Coverage

    Revenue forecast, Company Analysis, Industry landscape, Growth factors, and Trends

    Segment Covered
    Segment Covered

    This text is related
    to segments covered.

    Regional Scope
    Regional Scope

    North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South & Central America

    Country Scope
    Country Scope

    This text is related
    to country scope.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What factors are providing opportunities for automated waste collection system market?

    Automated waste collection systems are being highly preferred across healthcare institutions. The waste management and collection systems transfer materials at 60 miles per hour through a sealed, dedicated pipe network from loading stations on patient floors to a central collection operation. Separate paths are used to move waste, compost, and soiled linen to the appropriate collection bins. This is leading to the rise in investments in automatic collection technologies in industries such as hospitality, healthcare, and retail. For instance, Logiwaste AB has supplied three different automatic waste collection systems to Karolinska Hospital, Stockholm. These systems are projected to manage four different type of waste, namely, residual waste, paper, plastic, and paper packaging. Logiwaste AB has also won contracts from Tiller Öst, Trondheim; Karlstad Central Hospital; Grilstad Marina, Trondheim; and China Life, Beijing, to supply AWCS. Similarly, Atreo has received projects for supplying AWCS to Parkland Hospital, Humber River Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, among others. Thus, the rising investments by organizations from different industries, especially healthcare, to implement automatic waste collection and management systems is expected to fuel the growth of the market in the coming years.

    Which factor is driving the Automated waste collection system market?

    Government bodies across the world have imposed rules and regulations for the collection and segregation of waste. For instance, the Government of India has specified new solid waste management rules emphasizing on the segregation of waste at source. The new regulations require waste to be separated at the source to channel it into capital through recovery, reuse, and recycling. Therefore, before handing over waste to the collectors, waste generators must sort it into three streams—biodegradables, dry (plastic, paper, metal, wood, etc.), and domestic hazardous waste (diapers, napkins, mosquito repellants, cleaning agents, etc.). However, the segregation of waste at a high scale is a tedious process, which is compelling government authorities to focus on automatic solutions of waste segregation. These factors are influencing the adoption of automated waste collection systems in many countries worldwide.

    Which product type led the Automated waste collection system market?

    The stationary segment led the market in 2019 with highest share and is expected to continue its dominance during the forecast period. In stationary waste collection systems, the garbage is directly transported by pipes with the help of air pressure where it is compressed in seal containers. Thus, it is not required to be collected by trucks. Exhausters produce negative pressure in the pipe system, allowing air to flow freely. At ambient pressure, air enters the pipes, collecting the solid waste and carrying it to the collection station. The automated stationary waste collection systems can manage multiple waste forms simultaneously. In a standard collection method, two to four different waste streams are managed using the same transport pipes network.

    The List of Companies - Automated Waste Collection System Market

    1. Aerbin APS
    2. AMCS Group
    3. Caverion Corporation
    4. Envac AB
    5. Logiwaste AB
    6. Marimatic OY
    7. MEIKO
    8. EVAC GmbH
    9. MBAT
    10. Stream Environment

    The Insight Partners performs research in 4 major stages: Data Collection & Secondary Research, Primary Research, Data Analysis and Data Triangulation & Final Review.

    1. Data Collection and Secondary Research:

    As a market research and consulting firm operating from a decade, we have published and advised several client across the globe. First step for any study will start with an assessment of currently available data and insights from existing reports. Further, historical and current market information is collected from Investor Presentations, Annual Reports, SEC Filings, etc., and other information related to company’s performance and market positioning are gathered from Paid Databases (Factiva, Hoovers, and Reuters) and various other publications available in public domain.

    Several associations trade associates, technical forums, institutes, societies and organization are accessed to gain technical as well as market related insights through their publications such as research papers, blogs and press releases related to the studies are referred to get cues about the market. Further, white papers, journals, magazines, and other news articles published in last 3 years are scrutinized and analyzed to understand the current market trends.

    1. Primary Research:

    The primarily interview analysis comprise of data obtained from industry participants interview and answers to survey questions gathered by in-house primary team.

    For primary research, interviews are conducted with industry experts/CEOs/Marketing Managers/VPs/Subject Matter Experts from both demand and supply side to get a 360-degree view of the market. The primary team conducts several interviews based on the complexity of the markets to understand the various market trends and dynamics which makes research more credible and precise.

    A typical research interview fulfils the following functions:

    • Provides first-hand information on the market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook
    • Validates and strengthens in-house secondary research findings
    • Develops the analysis team’s expertise and market understanding

    Primary research involves email interactions and telephone interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. The participants who typically take part in such a process include, but are not limited to:

    • Industry participants: VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers
    • Outside experts: Valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the electronics and semiconductor industry.

    Below is the breakup of our primary respondents by company, designation, and region:

    Research Methodology

    Once we receive the confirmation from primary research sources or primary respondents, we finalize the base year market estimation and forecast the data as per the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors assessed during data collection.

    1. Data Analysis:

    Once data is validated through both secondary as well as primary respondents, we finalize the market estimations by hypothesis formulation and factor analysis at regional and country level.

    • Macro-Economic Factor Analysis:

    We analyse macroeconomic indicators such the gross domestic product (GDP), increase in the demand for goods and services across industries, technological advancement, regional economic growth, governmental policies, the influence of COVID-19, PEST analysis, and other aspects. This analysis aids in setting benchmarks for various nations/regions and approximating market splits. Additionally, the general trend of the aforementioned components aid in determining the market's development possibilities.

    • Country Level Data:

    Various factors that are especially aligned to the country are taken into account to determine the market size for a certain area and country, including the presence of vendors, such as headquarters and offices, the country's GDP, demand patterns, and industry growth. To comprehend the market dynamics for the nation, a number of growth variables, inhibitors, application areas, and current market trends are researched. The aforementioned elements aid in determining the country's overall market's growth potential.

    • Company Profile:

    The “Table of Contents” is formulated by listing and analyzing more than 25 - 30 companies operating in the market ecosystem across geographies. However, we profile only 10 companies as a standard practice in our syndicate reports. These 10 companies comprise leading, emerging, and regional players. Nonetheless, our analysis is not restricted to the 10 listed companies, we also analyze other companies present in the market to develop a holistic view and understand the prevailing trends. The “Company Profiles” section in the report covers key facts, business description, products & services, financial information, SWOT analysis, and key developments. The financial information presented is extracted from the annual reports and official documents of the publicly listed companies. Upon collecting the information for the sections of respective companies, we verify them via various primary sources and then compile the data in respective company profiles. The company level information helps us in deriving the base number as well as in forecasting the market size.

    • Developing Base Number:

    Aggregation of sales statistics (2020-2022) and macro-economic factor, and other secondary and primary research insights are utilized to arrive at base number and related market shares for 2022. The data gaps are identified in this step and relevant market data is analyzed, collected from paid primary interviews or databases. On finalizing the base year market size, forecasts are developed on the basis of macro-economic, industry and market growth factors and company level analysis.

    1. Data Triangulation and Final Review:

    The market findings and base year market size calculations are validated from supply as well as demand side. Demand side validations are based on macro-economic factor analysis and benchmarks for respective regions and countries. In case of supply side validations, revenues of major companies are estimated (in case not available) based on industry benchmark, approximate number of employees, product portfolio, and primary interviews revenues are gathered. Further revenue from target product/service segment is assessed to avoid overshooting of market statistics. In case of heavy deviations between supply and demand side values, all thes steps are repeated to achieve synchronization.

    We follow an iterative model, wherein we share our research findings with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until consensus view of the market is not formulated – this model negates any drastic deviation in the opinions of experts. Only validated and universally acceptable research findings are quoted in our reports.

    We have important check points that we use to validate our research findings – which we call – data triangulation, where we validate the information, we generate from secondary sources with primary interviews and then we re-validate with our internal data bases and Subject matter experts. This comprehensive model enables us to deliver high quality, reliable data in shortest possible time.

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