Stratégies de marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif, principaux acteurs, opportunités de croissance, analyse et prévisions d’ici 2028

  • Report Code : TIPRE00020158
  • Category : Chemicals and Materials
  • Status : Published
  • No. of Pages : 119
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Le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif devrait atteindre 697,44 millions de dollars américains d'ici 2028, contre 508,77 millions de dollars américains en 2021 ; il devrait croître à un TCAC de 4,6 % de 2021 à 2028.polyisobutylene market is projected to reach US$ 697.44 million by 2028 from US$ 508.77 million in 2021; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2021 to 2028.

Le polyisobutylène hautement réactif (HR-PIB) est un intermédiaire important utilisé dans la production d'additifs pour carburants et lubrifiants hautes performances, tels que des dispersants pour huiles moteur ou des détergents pour carburants. Les additifs pour lubrifiants hautes performances permettent de concevoir des moteurs plus économes en carburant.polyisobutylene (HR-PIB) is an important intermediate used in the production of high-performance fuel and lubricant additives, such as dispersants for engine oils or fuel detergents. The high-performance lubricant additives allow for more fuel-efficient engine designs.

En 2020, l'Asie-Pacifique détenait la plus grande part de revenus du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactifpolyisobutylene market . Le segment des lubrifiants et graisses est le plus grand consommateur de HR-PIB dans la région Asie-Pacifique. La prolifération du secteur automobile dans la région stimule la demande de fluides hydrauliques et de lubrifiants, propulsant ainsi le besoin de HR-PIB. En outre, l'augmentation de l'industrialisation et de la construction en Asie-Pacifique stimule la demande de machines et d'équipements dans les installations de fabrication associées.


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Marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif : informations stratégiquesPolyisobutylene Market:

Highly Reactive Polyisobutylene Market
  • Obtenez les principales tendances clés du marché de ce rapport.
    Cet échantillon GRATUIT comprendra une analyse de données, allant des tendances du marché aux estimations et prévisions.



Impact de la pandémie de COVID-19 sur le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif

En 2020, diverses industries ont dû ralentir leurs opérations en raison de perturbations dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement causées par la fermeture des frontières nationales et internationales, ce qui a entraîné une faible demande de HR-PIB. La pandémie a provoqué des perturbations dans les processus de fabrication en raison des restrictions imposées par les autorités gouvernementales de divers pays sur les effectifs sur les lieux de travail et les transports, ce qui a rendu difficile pour les employés de se déplacer vers et depuis les lieux de travail. HR-PIB trouve des applications majeures dans la fabrication d'additifs pour carburants et lubrifiants hautes performances. La baisse de la demande de carburant de diverses industries a entravé la consommation d'additifs pour carburants, ce qui a fini par entraver les ventes de HR-PIB. Cependant, alors que les économies ont commencé à relancer leurs activités en 2021, la demande de HR-PIB a également commencé à augmenter progressivement.



Informations sur le marché


Utilisation croissante du HR-PIB dans la production d'additifs pour carburants et lubrifiants hautes performances

Le HR-PIB est un intermédiaire important qui trouve une application dans la production d' is an important intermediate that finds application in the production of high-performance fuel and additifs pour carburants et lubrifiants hautes performances . En raison de sa nature hautement réactive, il est préféré au polyisobutylène conventionnel dans la production d'additifs. La fonction principale des additifs pour lubrifiants est d'améliorer les propriétés de l'huile de base dans différentes conditions de fonctionnement. De plus, les additifs pour lubrifiants hautes performances favorisent des conceptions de moteurs plus économes en carburant. Les dispersants sont des additifs pour lubrifiants qui aident à prévenir la formation de boues, de vernis et d'autres dépôts sur les surfaces critiques. La demande de HR-PIB augmente dans la synthèse industrielle de dispersants pour les huiles moteur automobiles. La présence de bases de fabrication additive solides aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Asie-Pacifique en fait des consommateurs de premier plan de HR-PIB. Par conséquent, l'utilisation croissante de HR-PIB dans la fabrication d'additifs pour carburants et lubrifiants hautes performances stimule la croissance du marché.polyisobutylene in the production of additives. The main function of lubricant additives is to improve the properties of the base stock under different operating conditions. Moreover, high-performance lubricant additives support more fuel-efficient engine designs. Dispersants are lubricant additives that help prevent sludge, varnish, and other deposit formation on critical surfaces. The demand for HR-PIB is growing in the industrial synthesis of dispersants for automotive engine oils. The presence of strong additive manufacturing bases in the US, Europe, and Asia Pacific makes them prime consumers of HR-PIB. Hence, the increasing use of HR-PIB in the manufacturing of high-performance fuel and lubricant additives boosts the market growth.


Informations sur les applications

En fonction des applications, le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif a été segmenté en adhésifs/produits d'étanchéité, lubrifiants et graisses, fluides hydrauliques, fluides de travail des métaux et autres. Le segment des lubrifiants et graisses détenait la plus grande part de marché en 2020. Les lubrifiants tels que les huiles moteur, les huiles de transmission, les huiles pour engrenages, les graisses et les huiles pour compresseurs sont très consommés dans les secteurs de l'automobile, de l'aéronautique, de la marine et des machines. Le HR-PIB contribue à améliorer les performances globales des lubrifiants.polyisobutylene market has been segmented into adhesives/sealants, lubricants & grease, hydraulic fluids, metal working fluids, and others. The lubricants & grease segment held the largest market share in 2020. Lubricants such as engine oils, transmission oils, gear oils, greases, and compressor oils are highly consumed in the automotive, aircraft, marine, and machinery industries. HR-PIB helps enhance the overall performance of lubricants.

Français TPC Group ; RB PRODUCTS INC. ; BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd ; Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd ; Daelim Co., Ltd. ; Chevron Corporation ; The Lubrizol Corporation ; KEMAT Polybutenes ; Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd. ; et Nelson Brothers Incorporated comptent parmi les principaux acteurs du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif. Les acteurs opérant sur le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif se concentrent fortement sur le développement de produits innovants et de haute qualité pour répondre aux exigences des clients. Group; RB PRODUCTS INC.; BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd; Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd; Daelim Co., Ltd.; Chevron Corporation; The Lubrizol Corporation; KEMAT Polybutenes; Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd.; and Nelson Brothers Incorporated are among the key market players in the highly reactive polyisobutylene market. Players operating in the highly reactive polyisobutylene market are highly focused on the development of high-quality and innovative products to meet the customer’s requirements.



Aperçu régional du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactifPolyisobutylene Market Regional Insights

Les tendances et facteurs régionaux influençant le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif tout au long de la période de prévision ont été expliqués en détail par les analystes d’Insight Partners. Cette section traite également des segments et de la géographie du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Asie-Pacifique, au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique, ainsi qu’en Amérique du Sud et en Amérique centrale.

Highly Reactive Polyisobutylene Market
  • Obtenez les données régionales spécifiques au marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif

Portée du rapport sur le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif

Attribut de rapportDétails
Taille du marché en 2021508,77 millions de dollars américains
Taille du marché d'ici 2028697,44 millions de dollars américains
Taux de croissance annuel moyen mondial (2021-2028)4,6%
Données historiques2019-2020
Période de prévision2022-2028
Segments couvertsPar application
  • Adhésifs/Matériaux d'étanchéité
  • Lubrifiants et graisses
  • Fluides hydrauliques
  • Fluides pour le travail des métaux
Régions et pays couvertsAmérique du Nord
  • NOUS
  • Canada
  • Mexique
  • Allemagne
  • France
  • Russie
  • Italie
  • Reste de l'Europe
  • Chine
  • Inde
  • Japon
  • Australie
  • Reste de l'Asie-Pacifique
Amérique du Sud et Amérique centrale
  • Brésil
  • Argentine
  • Reste de l'Amérique du Sud et de l'Amérique centrale
Moyen-Orient et Afrique
  • Afrique du Sud
  • Arabie Saoudite
  • Émirats arabes unis
  • Reste du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique
Leaders du marché et profils d'entreprises clés
  • Groupe TPC
  • BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd
  • Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd
  • Daelim Co., Ltd.
  • Société Chevron
  • La société Lubrizol
  • Polybutènes KEMAT
  • Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd.


Densité des acteurs du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif : comprendre son impact sur la dynamique commerciale

Le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif connaît une croissance rapide, tirée par la demande croissante des utilisateurs finaux en raison de facteurs tels que l'évolution des préférences des consommateurs, les avancées technologiques et une plus grande sensibilisation aux avantages du produit. À mesure que la demande augmente, les entreprises élargissent leurs offres, innovent pour répondre aux besoins des consommateurs et capitalisent sur les tendances émergentes, ce qui alimente davantage la croissance du marché.

La densité des acteurs du marché fait référence à la répartition des entreprises ou des sociétés opérant sur un marché ou un secteur particulier. Elle indique le nombre de concurrents (acteurs du marché) présents sur un marché donné par rapport à sa taille ou à sa valeur marchande totale.

Les principales entreprises opérant sur le marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif sont :

  1. Groupe TPC
  3. BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd
  4. Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd
  5. Daelim Co., Ltd.

Avis de non-responsabilité : les sociétés répertoriées ci-dessus ne sont pas classées dans un ordre particulier.

Highly Reactive Polyisobutylene Market


  • Obtenez un aperçu des principaux acteurs du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif



Rapports en vedette

  • Tendances progressistes dans l'industrie du polyisobutylène hautement réactif pour aider les acteurs à développer des stratégies efficaces à long terme
  • Stratégies de croissance commerciale adoptées par les entreprises pour assurer leur croissance sur les marchés développés et en développement
  • Analyse quantitative du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif de 2019 à 2028
  • Estimation de la demande mondiale en HR-PIB
  • Analyse des cinq forces de Porter pour illustrer l'efficacité des acheteurs et des fournisseurs opérant dans l'industrie
  • Développements récents pour comprendre le scénario concurrentiel du marché
  • Tendances et perspectives du marché, et facteurs qui stimulent et freinent la croissance du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif
  • Aide à la prise de décision en mettant en évidence les stratégies de marché qui sous-tendent l'intérêt commercial
  • Taille du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif à différents niveaux
  • Aperçu détaillé et segmentation du marché, ainsi que de la dynamique de l'industrie HR-PIB
  • Taille du marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif dans diverses régions avec des opportunités de croissance prometteuses


Marché du polyisobutylène hautement réactif



  • Adhésifs/Matériaux d'étanchéité
  • Lubrifiant et graisse
  • Fluides hydrauliques
  • Fluides pour le travail des métaux
  • Autres


Profils d'entreprise

  • Groupe TPC
  • BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd
  • Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd
  • Daelim Co., Ltd.
  • Société Chevron
  • La société Lubrizol
  • Polybutènes KEMAT
  • Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd.
  • Société des Frères Nelson
  • Analyse historique (2 ans), année de base, prévision (7 ans) avec TCAC
  • Analyse PEST et SWO
  • Taille du marché Valeur / Volume - Mondial, Régional, Pays
  • Industrie et paysage concurrentiel
  • Ensemble de données Excel
Report Coverage
Report Coverage

Revenue forecast, Company Analysis, Industry landscape, Growth factors, and Trends

Segment Covered
Segment Covered

This text is related
to segments covered.

Regional Scope
Regional Scope

North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South & Central America

Country Scope
Country Scope

This text is related
to country scope.

Questions fréquemment posées

What are the trends for the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market?

Production techniques and catalysts used to synthesize HR-PIB have become an important subject for research and development activities in the last few decades. Research and development activities are mostly focusing on new polymerization techniques with greater potential advantages than traditional techniques. Various research groups are also actively investigating new catalysts for synthesizing highly reactive polyisobutylene; this further underlines the demand for different polymerization techniques than the existing ones. In addition, HR-PIB is gaining significant popularity in different downstream functionalization reactions due to its greater reactivity than its conventional counterparts. These factors are likely to lead to new future trends in the highly reactive polyisobutylene market.

What are the opportunities for the highly reactive polyisobutylene market growth?

Players operating in the highly reactive polyisobutylene market are increasingly focusing on ramping up their production capacities to meet future customer demands by making significant investments. They are implementing plans to set up additional capacities of highly reactive polyisobutylene. In 2019, Saudi Aramco and Total announced an agreement with Daelim, a South Korean petrochemical company, to build a new polyisobutylene facility. As per the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between these companies, Daelim is planning to build a new state-of-the-art PIB plant with a capacity of 80,000 tons. The new plant is expected to come on-stream in 2024. This specialty chemical project will be using Daelim’s PIB proprietary technology to produce a wide range of products, from conventional PIB (CPIB) to HR-PIB, in a single plant. Hence, the growing focus of market players to escalate their capacities of HR-PIB production will offer huge growth opportunities to the market players in the coming years.

What are the drivers for the growth of the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market?

Increasing use of highly reactive polyisobutylene in high-performance fuel and lubricant additive production and proliferation of the automotive sector are the key factors driving the highly reactive polyisobutylene market during the forecast period. Highly reactive polyisobutylene is an important intermediate that finds application in the production of high-performance fuel and lubricant additives, such as fuel detergents or dispersants for engine oils. Due to its highly reactive nature, highly reactive polyisobutylene is preferred over conventional polyisobutylene in additive production. The demand for highly reactive polyisobutylene is growing in the industrial synthesis of dispersants for automotive engine oils. Moreover, highly reactive polyisobutylene finds applications in the production of fuel and lubricant additives, sealants, adhesives, and greases, among others, the flourishment of the automotive sector, in turn, creates a high demand for the same, thereby boosting the market growth.

On the basis of application, which segment led the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market in 2020?

Based on application, the lubricant and grease segment led the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market in 2020. Lubricants such as engine oils, transmission oils, gear oils, greases, and compressor oils are highly consumed in automotive, aircraft, marine, and machinery industries. highly reactive polyisobutylene is used as an intermediate for lubricant additive manufacturing. It helps to enhance the overall performance of lubricant and grease which is propelling the segment growth.

Can you list some of the major players operating in the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market?

The major players operating in the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market are TPC Group; RB PRODUCTS INC.; BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd; Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd; Daelim Co., Ltd.; Chevron Corporation; The Lubrizol Corporation; KEMAT Polybutenes; Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd.; and Nelson Brothers Incorporated.

During the forecast period, which region is anticipated to account for the largest share of the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market?

During the forecast period, Asia-Pacific is anticipated to account for the largest share of the global highly reactive polyisobutylene market. Asia-Pacific region comprises several developed and developing economies, including China, India, Japan, South Korea, among others. The region is experiencing significant growth in automotive, which is boosting the demand for hydraulic fluid and lubricants which directly boosts demand for highly reactive polyisobutylene. Further, the increase in industrialization and construction in the region is driving the demand of machineries and equipment for manufacturing facilities, hydraulic fluids and sealants are widely used in these industries.

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The List of Companies - Highly Reactive Polyisobutylene Market

  1. TPC Group
  3. BASF PETRONAS Chemicals Sdn. Bhd
  4. Shandong Hongrui New Material Technology Co., Ltd
  5. Daelim Co., Ltd.
  6. Chevron Corporation
  7. The Lubrizol Corporation
  8. KEMAT Polybutenes
  9. Weifang Binhai Petro-chem Co., Ltd.
  10. Nelson Brothers Incorporated

The Insight Partners performs research in 4 major stages: Data Collection & Secondary Research, Primary Research, Data Analysis and Data Triangulation & Final Review.

  1. Data Collection and Secondary Research:

As a market research and consulting firm operating from a decade, we have published and advised several client across the globe. First step for any study will start with an assessment of currently available data and insights from existing reports. Further, historical and current market information is collected from Investor Presentations, Annual Reports, SEC Filings, etc., and other information related to company’s performance and market positioning are gathered from Paid Databases (Factiva, Hoovers, and Reuters) and various other publications available in public domain.

Several associations trade associates, technical forums, institutes, societies and organization are accessed to gain technical as well as market related insights through their publications such as research papers, blogs and press releases related to the studies are referred to get cues about the market. Further, white papers, journals, magazines, and other news articles published in last 3 years are scrutinized and analyzed to understand the current market trends.

  1. Primary Research:

The primarily interview analysis comprise of data obtained from industry participants interview and answers to survey questions gathered by in-house primary team.

For primary research, interviews are conducted with industry experts/CEOs/Marketing Managers/VPs/Subject Matter Experts from both demand and supply side to get a 360-degree view of the market. The primary team conducts several interviews based on the complexity of the markets to understand the various market trends and dynamics which makes research more credible and precise.

A typical research interview fulfils the following functions:

  • Provides first-hand information on the market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook
  • Validates and strengthens in-house secondary research findings
  • Develops the analysis team’s expertise and market understanding

Primary research involves email interactions and telephone interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. The participants who typically take part in such a process include, but are not limited to:

  • Industry participants: VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers
  • Outside experts: Valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the electronics and semiconductor industry.

Below is the breakup of our primary respondents by company, designation, and region:

Research Methodology

Once we receive the confirmation from primary research sources or primary respondents, we finalize the base year market estimation and forecast the data as per the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors assessed during data collection.

  1. Data Analysis:

Once data is validated through both secondary as well as primary respondents, we finalize the market estimations by hypothesis formulation and factor analysis at regional and country level.

  • Macro-Economic Factor Analysis:

We analyse macroeconomic indicators such the gross domestic product (GDP), increase in the demand for goods and services across industries, technological advancement, regional economic growth, governmental policies, the influence of COVID-19, PEST analysis, and other aspects. This analysis aids in setting benchmarks for various nations/regions and approximating market splits. Additionally, the general trend of the aforementioned components aid in determining the market's development possibilities.

  • Country Level Data:

Various factors that are especially aligned to the country are taken into account to determine the market size for a certain area and country, including the presence of vendors, such as headquarters and offices, the country's GDP, demand patterns, and industry growth. To comprehend the market dynamics for the nation, a number of growth variables, inhibitors, application areas, and current market trends are researched. The aforementioned elements aid in determining the country's overall market's growth potential.

  • Company Profile:

The “Table of Contents” is formulated by listing and analyzing more than 25 - 30 companies operating in the market ecosystem across geographies. However, we profile only 10 companies as a standard practice in our syndicate reports. These 10 companies comprise leading, emerging, and regional players. Nonetheless, our analysis is not restricted to the 10 listed companies, we also analyze other companies present in the market to develop a holistic view and understand the prevailing trends. The “Company Profiles” section in the report covers key facts, business description, products & services, financial information, SWOT analysis, and key developments. The financial information presented is extracted from the annual reports and official documents of the publicly listed companies. Upon collecting the information for the sections of respective companies, we verify them via various primary sources and then compile the data in respective company profiles. The company level information helps us in deriving the base number as well as in forecasting the market size.

  • Developing Base Number:

Aggregation of sales statistics (2020-2022) and macro-economic factor, and other secondary and primary research insights are utilized to arrive at base number and related market shares for 2022. The data gaps are identified in this step and relevant market data is analyzed, collected from paid primary interviews or databases. On finalizing the base year market size, forecasts are developed on the basis of macro-economic, industry and market growth factors and company level analysis.

  1. Data Triangulation and Final Review:

The market findings and base year market size calculations are validated from supply as well as demand side. Demand side validations are based on macro-economic factor analysis and benchmarks for respective regions and countries. In case of supply side validations, revenues of major companies are estimated (in case not available) based on industry benchmark, approximate number of employees, product portfolio, and primary interviews revenues are gathered. Further revenue from target product/service segment is assessed to avoid overshooting of market statistics. In case of heavy deviations between supply and demand side values, all thes steps are repeated to achieve synchronization.

We follow an iterative model, wherein we share our research findings with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until consensus view of the market is not formulated – this model negates any drastic deviation in the opinions of experts. Only validated and universally acceptable research findings are quoted in our reports.

We have important check points that we use to validate our research findings – which we call – data triangulation, where we validate the information, we generate from secondary sources with primary interviews and then we re-validate with our internal data bases and Subject matter experts. This comprehensive model enables us to deliver high quality, reliable data in shortest possible time.