ウィケットバッグ市場は2020年に7億5,191万米ドルと評価され、2028年までに10億4,562万米ドルに達すると予測されており、 2021年から2028年にかけて4.2%のCAGRで成長すると予想されています。
- このレポートの主要な市場動向を入手してください。この無料サンプルには、市場動向から見積もりや予測に至るまでのデータ分析が含まれます。
フレキシブル包装は、耐久性、費用対効果、軽量などの特性のため、広く利用されています。フレキシブル包装としてのウィケットバッグは、あらゆる製品の美観を高め、限られたスペースでの製品の保管に役立ち、耐久性のある包装と相まって製品の分配を増強することができます。したがって、一次包装において硬質包装よりもフレキシブル包装ソリューションを好む製品メーカーの傾向が高まっており、これがウィケットバッグの成長を牽引しています。さらに、ウィケットバッグは業界の要件に応じてさらにカスタマイズ可能です。製造の柔軟性により、ストレッチフィルムは、機関、小売および消費者、および産業部門で最も求められているポストパッケージングソリューションの1つとなっています。ウィケットバッグは、食品包装に関しては、高い穿刺耐性と引き裂き耐性を備え、高い信頼性を提供します。これらすべての要因が、業界関係者の間でウィケットバッグの需要を加速させると推定されています。現在進行中のCOVID-19パンデミックの出現は、世界的なウィケットバッグ市場にプラスの影響を与え、消費者と企業がオンライン配達を選択することで接触を制限する社会的距離を実践しているため、食品および飲料の売上増加につながっています。 さらに、衛生製品の必要性に対する消費者の意識は、ウイルスの蔓延後に劇的に高まっています。 メーカーはまた、輸送中に製品を汚染物質から保護するバリアを提供し、パッケージ表面でのウイルスの生存能力を最小限に抑える保護特性を備えた包装材料の採用にも注力しています。 パンデミックはまた、消費者が自宅で孤立する結果をもたらしました。 人々はロックダウンを恐れて、パニック買いと大量買いに頼っています。 より多くの消費者が主にオンラインチャネルを通じて日用品や生鮮食品を注文しており、これもウィケットバッグなどの柔軟なプラスチック包装の需要の増加につながっています。 影響を受けた多くの国、例えばインドでは、政府は主に供給側のショックや不足を避けるために、食品メーカーに生産を増やすよう求めています。FMCG企業は、より柔軟なプラスチック包装製品を要求することで、これに強く反応しています。これらすべての要因が、ウィケット付きバッグ市場に影響を与えています。
用途に基づいて、世界のウィケットバッグ市場は、食品、医薬品、パーソナルケアおよび化粧品、工業製品、その他に分類されます。食品セグメントは、予測期間中に市場で最大のシェアを占めると予想されます。ほとんどの企業は、食品接触に関する FDA および USDA 仕様に準拠した透明なウィケットバッグを提供しています。底部ガセットバッグは、食品を適切に配置して提示するための余分なスペースを提供します。ウィケットバッグは通常、リップを使用して製造され、2 つの穴と金属ウィケットがバッグの上部を固定します。この設計により、事前に開封されたバッグが作成され、充填されると引き裂くことができ、次のバッグを充填する準備が整います。これらのバッグは、ベーカリー製品、パン、氷、食料品、その他多くの食品の包装に広く使用されています。
St. Johns Packaging、Berry Global Inc.、Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG、Mondi、LPS Industries、PAC Worldwide Corporation、UFlex Limited、Coveris、Maco PKG.、およびSonoco Products Companyは、世界的なウィケットバッグ市場で活動している数少ない定評のある企業です。これらの企業は世界中に製品を提供しており、より幅広い顧客ベースに対応するのに役立っています。主要な市場プレーヤーは、顧客の要件を満たす高品質で革新的な製品の開発に重点を置いています。過去数年間、市場で活動している企業は、ウィケットバッグ市場に関連する計り知れない可能性を認識しており、合併や買収、製品の発売などの戦略を採用しています。たとえば、2021年にSt. Johns PackagingはComexi Nexus Dualラミネーターの購入を発表しました。同社は2021年第1四半期にダービーシャー州イルケストンの工場にこれを設置しました。セントジョンズパッケージングは、英国市場での拡大と投資を行っており、国内で生産される高品質の材料に対する市場ニーズを理解し、ブレグジットリスクを軽減し、リードタイムを短縮し、経済的に実現可能な持続可能なパッケージングソリューションを推進しています。
- 世界のウィケットバッグ市場における進歩的な業界動向は、プレーヤーが効果的な長期戦略を策定するのに役立ちます。
- 先進国市場と発展途上国市場で採用されているビジネス成長戦略
- 2019年から2028年までの世界のウィケットバッグ市場の定量分析
- さまざまな業界における改札付きバッグの需要の推定
- 市場の成長を予測するために業界で活動するバイヤーとサプライヤーの有効性を示すPEST分析
- 競争的な市場シナリオとウィケットバッグの需要を理解するための最近の動向
- ウィケットバッグ市場の成長を牽引および抑制する要因と相まって、市場の動向と見通し
- 世界的なウィケットバッグ市場の成長に関する商業的利益を支える戦略を理解することによる意思決定プロセス
- 市場のさまざまなノードにおけるウィケットバッグの市場規模
- 世界のウィケットバッグ市場の詳細な概要とセグメンテーション、および業界における動向
- 有望な成長機会があるさまざまな地域のウィケットバッグ市場規模
予測期間を通じてウィケットバッグ市場に影響を与える地域的な傾向と要因は、Insight Partners のアナリストによって徹底的に説明されています。このセクションでは、北米、ヨーロッパ、アジア太平洋、中東、アフリカ、南米、中米にわたるウィケットバッグ市場のセグメントと地理についても説明します。

- ウィケットバッグ市場の地域別データを入手
レポート属性 | 詳細 |
2020年の市場規模 | 7億5,191万米ドル |
2028年までの市場規模 | 10億4,562万米ドル |
世界のCAGR(2020年 - 2028年) | 4.2% |
履歴データ | 2018-2019 |
予測期間 | 2021-2028 |
対象セグメント | タイプ別
対象地域と国 | 北米
市場リーダーと主要企業プロフィール |
市場プレーヤー密度とは、特定の市場または業界内で活動している企業または会社の分布を指します。これは、特定の市場スペースに、その市場規模または総市場価値に対してどれだけの競合相手 (市場プレーヤー) が存在するかを示します。
- セントジョンズパッケージング
- ベリーグローバル株式会社
- ビショフ + クライン SE & Co. KG
- モンディ
- LPSインダストリーズ

- ウィケットバッグ市場のトップキープレーヤーの概要を入手
- ルーズフラップ
- 底マチ
- サイドガセット
- その他
- ウィケットバッグ市場、用途別
- 食べ物
- 医薬品
- パーソナルケアおよび化粧品
- 工業製品
- その他
- セントジョンズパッケージング
- ベリーグローバル株式会社
- ビショフ + クライン SE & Co. KG
- モンディ
- LPSインダストリーズ
- PACワールドワイドコーポレーション
- ユーフレックスリミテッド
- コベリス
- マコPKG。
- ソノコプロダクツ社
- 過去2年間の分析、基準年、CAGRによる予測(7年間)
- 市場規模価値/数量 - 世界、地域、国
- 業界と競争環境
- Excel データセット

- Nurse Call Systems Market
- Architecture Software Market
- Point of Care Diagnostics Market
- Smart Parking Market
- Rugged Servers Market
- Health Economics and Outcome Research (HEOR) Services Market
- Clinical Trial Supplies Market
- Identity Verification Market
- Biopharmaceutical Tubing Market
- Joint Pain Injection Market

Report Coverage
Revenue forecast, Company Analysis, Industry landscape, Growth factors, and Trends

Segment Covered
This text is related
to segments covered.

Regional Scope
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, South & Central America

Country Scope
This text is related
to country scope.
Among all the countries, US held the largest share in the global wicketed bags in 2020. The demand for wicketed bags in food industry has grown considerably over the past few years in the US. The wicketed bags are a strong, durable, versatile, and eco-friendly alternative for produce bags and bread packaging and are well ideal for packing food items like dry food, fresh produce, and baked goods. Manufacturers such as Maco PKG are offering easy-to-use and highly efficient wicketed bags which are commonly used for packing food, such as ice, potatoes, apples, and meat.
Increasing demand demand for flexible packaging for convenience & processed food is driving the market growth for global wicketed bags. Flexible packaging is widely utilized owing to properties such as durability, cost-effectiveness, and low weight. Wicketed bags as flexible packaging enhance the aesthetic appeal of any product, help storing products in limited spaces, and can augment the dispensing of products, coupled with durable packaging. Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for convenient food products due to busy lifestyles and hectic work schedules. RTE and RTC cut vegetables, frozen fruits, baked snacks, and many other products are packaged in wicketed bags are highly popular among global consumers. The high purchasing power of consumers results in the growing demand for processed food products.
Among the five segments of application, food segment has led the market in 2020. Wicketed bags are basically stacked plastic bags that are held together on a thin metal bar (or wicket) that makes dispensing quicker and easier. These bags are highly utilized for packaging products such as bakery, bread, ice, grocery items, and many other food products. Most of the companies are offering clear wicketed bags which meet FDA and USDA specifications for food contact. A bottom gusset bag also provides extra space for proper arrangement & presentation of food items that go inside.
The major players operating in the global wicketed bags market are St. Johns Packaging, Berry Global Inc., Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG, Mondi, LPS Industries, PAC Worldwide Corporation, UFlex Limited, Coveris, Maco PKG., and Sonoco Products Company, and many others.
Ans. In 2020, the wicketed bags market was dominated by Asia-Pcific at the global level. Wicketed bag is extensively utilized for food packaging and non-food packaging. Such as bakery bread, fruits, ice, vegetables, baby diapers, meat, and feminine hygiene products. Also, it is extensively used for semi-automatic, automatic, and manual load applications. Moreover, the wicketed bags find multiple applications in pharmaceuticals, industrial goods, and others. Consequently, these factors have led to the wicketed bags market growth in APAC.The burgeoning demand from emerging nations such as India and China has contributed to the demand for wicketed bags.
Among the four segments of types, bottom gusset segment has led the market in 2020. Bottom-gusset bags are basically designed to contain larger and three-dimensional-shaped products. A bottom fold allows this bag to square off also creates a form-fitting and flat-surface bag end. These bags have multiple usages in packaging like grocery, clothing, sanitary products, and others. These bags have features like proper fitting, a flat end that provides an additional printing area, a fold (gusset) on the bottom, horizontal or vertical orientation for retail display, FDA & USDA-approved virgin resin, and excellent seal strength for product protection.
Trends and growth analysis reports related to Chemicals and Materials : READ MORE..
The List of Companies - Wicketed Bags Market
- St. Johns Packaging
- Berry Global Inc.
- Bischof + Klein SE & Co. KG
- Mondi
- LPS Industries
- PAC Worldwide Corporation
- UFlex Limited
- Coveris
- Maco PKG.
- Sonoco Products Company
The Insight Partners performs research in 4 major stages: Data Collection & Secondary Research, Primary Research, Data Analysis and Data Triangulation & Final Review.
- Data Collection and Secondary Research:
As a market research and consulting firm operating from a decade, we have published and advised several client across the globe. First step for any study will start with an assessment of currently available data and insights from existing reports. Further, historical and current market information is collected from Investor Presentations, Annual Reports, SEC Filings, etc., and other information related to company’s performance and market positioning are gathered from Paid Databases (Factiva, Hoovers, and Reuters) and various other publications available in public domain.
Several associations trade associates, technical forums, institutes, societies and organization are accessed to gain technical as well as market related insights through their publications such as research papers, blogs and press releases related to the studies are referred to get cues about the market. Further, white papers, journals, magazines, and other news articles published in last 3 years are scrutinized and analyzed to understand the current market trends.
- Primary Research:
The primarily interview analysis comprise of data obtained from industry participants interview and answers to survey questions gathered by in-house primary team.
For primary research, interviews are conducted with industry experts/CEOs/Marketing Managers/VPs/Subject Matter Experts from both demand and supply side to get a 360-degree view of the market. The primary team conducts several interviews based on the complexity of the markets to understand the various market trends and dynamics which makes research more credible and precise.
A typical research interview fulfils the following functions:
- Provides first-hand information on the market size, market trends, growth trends, competitive landscape, and outlook
- Validates and strengthens in-house secondary research findings
- Develops the analysis team’s expertise and market understanding
Primary research involves email interactions and telephone interviews for each market, category, segment, and sub-segment across geographies. The participants who typically take part in such a process include, but are not limited to:
- Industry participants: VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers and national sales managers
- Outside experts: Valuation experts, research analysts and key opinion leaders specializing in the electronics and semiconductor industry.
Below is the breakup of our primary respondents by company, designation, and region:
Once we receive the confirmation from primary research sources or primary respondents, we finalize the base year market estimation and forecast the data as per the macroeconomic and microeconomic factors assessed during data collection.
- Data Analysis:
Once data is validated through both secondary as well as primary respondents, we finalize the market estimations by hypothesis formulation and factor analysis at regional and country level.
- Macro-Economic Factor Analysis:
We analyse macroeconomic indicators such the gross domestic product (GDP), increase in the demand for goods and services across industries, technological advancement, regional economic growth, governmental policies, the influence of COVID-19, PEST analysis, and other aspects. This analysis aids in setting benchmarks for various nations/regions and approximating market splits. Additionally, the general trend of the aforementioned components aid in determining the market's development possibilities.
- Country Level Data:
Various factors that are especially aligned to the country are taken into account to determine the market size for a certain area and country, including the presence of vendors, such as headquarters and offices, the country's GDP, demand patterns, and industry growth. To comprehend the market dynamics for the nation, a number of growth variables, inhibitors, application areas, and current market trends are researched. The aforementioned elements aid in determining the country's overall market's growth potential.
- Company Profile:
The “Table of Contents” is formulated by listing and analyzing more than 25 - 30 companies operating in the market ecosystem across geographies. However, we profile only 10 companies as a standard practice in our syndicate reports. These 10 companies comprise leading, emerging, and regional players. Nonetheless, our analysis is not restricted to the 10 listed companies, we also analyze other companies present in the market to develop a holistic view and understand the prevailing trends. The “Company Profiles” section in the report covers key facts, business description, products & services, financial information, SWOT analysis, and key developments. The financial information presented is extracted from the annual reports and official documents of the publicly listed companies. Upon collecting the information for the sections of respective companies, we verify them via various primary sources and then compile the data in respective company profiles. The company level information helps us in deriving the base number as well as in forecasting the market size.
- Developing Base Number:
Aggregation of sales statistics (2020-2022) and macro-economic factor, and other secondary and primary research insights are utilized to arrive at base number and related market shares for 2022. The data gaps are identified in this step and relevant market data is analyzed, collected from paid primary interviews or databases. On finalizing the base year market size, forecasts are developed on the basis of macro-economic, industry and market growth factors and company level analysis.
- Data Triangulation and Final Review:
The market findings and base year market size calculations are validated from supply as well as demand side. Demand side validations are based on macro-economic factor analysis and benchmarks for respective regions and countries. In case of supply side validations, revenues of major companies are estimated (in case not available) based on industry benchmark, approximate number of employees, product portfolio, and primary interviews revenues are gathered. Further revenue from target product/service segment is assessed to avoid overshooting of market statistics. In case of heavy deviations between supply and demand side values, all thes steps are repeated to achieve synchronization.
We follow an iterative model, wherein we share our research findings with Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until consensus view of the market is not formulated – this model negates any drastic deviation in the opinions of experts. Only validated and universally acceptable research findings are quoted in our reports.
We have important check points that we use to validate our research findings – which we call – data triangulation, where we validate the information, we generate from secondary sources with primary interviews and then we re-validate with our internal data bases and Subject matter experts. This comprehensive model enables us to deliver high quality, reliable data in shortest possible time.